+603-6263 5125

Masterfil Trading Sdn Bhd
6, Jalan Ida 1B,
Industrian Desa Aman,
52200 Kuala Lumpur,
+603-6263 5125
+603-6263 5127


6003193530 6003113530 4942437 4946635 BF9910 40040300192 FF5638 P553995 FUEL FILTER

6003113870 6003193870 P502669 600-319-3870 FF42120 KOMATSU FUEL FILTER

6003118220 6136716120 P550410 FF5304 16403Z9000 FUEL FILTER

2050471140 KOMATSU STRAINER FILTER 205-04-71140

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6754716130 6754796140 P550881 4897833 FF5485

6003113750 6003193750 P550774 3959612 K1008143

6003119121 6003118291 4192631 FF5706 USELEMENT FILTER

6610728600 FF205 P558600 KOMATSU FUEL FILTER

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